THE GATE is open every week. On Thursdays youth in grades 2-5 can come in from 5-6:30pm and play games (WII, Air Hockey, Playstations, ping pong and foose ball among many others). They also have an opportunity to learn character development traits and interact with others in their age group. Starting Thursday, September 2, we will embark on a 12 week journey towards Dave Ramsey's Financial Fitness for kids! You don't want to miss it. Call THE GATE for more information.

THE GATE has begun using an exciting new on-line assessment. SMART TUTOR is an integrated learning system that enables educators to assess students at their current reading learning levels and then automatically provides instruction that allows students to learn at their own pace, on their own path. SMART TUTOR is designed to accelerate learning, increase student motivation, and improve student test scores in a highly engaging and interactive learning environment. SMART TUTOR is for children grades 2-5.

The Smart Tutor Program will convene every Tuesday and Thursday from 4 to 5pm beginning Tuesday,
September 21, 2010. If you are interested in your child participating in the SMART TUTOR program please let us know as we are limited to the number of students we can enroll in this class. We look forward to working with you and your child.

FREE Acoustic Guitar Classes

Are you a great at Guitar Hero and want to try your hands at the real thing????
Free Acoustic Guitar Class
30 minute sessions
Every Tuesday from 4:15 4:45 and 4:45- 5:15.
Beginners and intermediate classes.
Must call to register and to be placed in a class.
Great things are happening at THE GATE. Should you need
more information or want any of the programs explained more
fully, please do not hesitate making an appointment so that we
decide what is best for you or your child. We look forward to
assisting you.

Wanda Jordan, Executive Director of The Gate